IgniteWarsaw #2.0

September 5, 2011, 18:00

speak attend

IgniteWarsaw is back on track!

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If you’ve been watching the IgniteWarsaw Facebook page then you already know that the event was revived and will be taking place on February 10, 2011. We’ll be posting major updates here on this blog, including the upcoming registration link and venue details. If you want to really stay in touch, make sure you sign up to the Facebook page or follow IgniteWarsaw on Twitter. Right now the news is that…

We’re looking for speakers

We want to see you on stage at the event, presenting whatever you’re passionate about. Read the Call for Speakers, and when you’re ready, contact us to sign up.

If you’re not ready to talk just yet, but do know someone who would, please let him or her know of the event. There will be more than one IgniteWarsaw event in the coming months, so even when we complete the speaker lineup for February 10, we’ll stay in touch and sign you or your friend up for the next one.

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